PHOTO: © Bergson Kunstkraftwerk

DER NAHE OSTEN – ZWISCHEN POLITIK, RELIGION UND GESELLSCHAFT: Ein moderiertes Gespräch mit Natalie Amiri, Nikodemus Schnabel und Joachim Herrmann

In the organizer's words:

In the second part of this series, the speakers Natalie Amiri, Nikodemus Schnabel and Joachim Herrmann will provide insights into their personal experiences and describe their points of contact with the region. This panel discussion offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge, gain new insights and exchange ideas with other participants about political, religious and social aspects of the Middle East.

Natalie Amiri is a German journalist and Iran expert who has acquired this expertise through her sophisticated and long-standing reporting as well as her personal experience with the country and its culture. She worked as a correspondent for Bayerischer Rundfunk in the Middle East, reporting on political, social and cultural developments in Iran. During her time as a correspondent, she developed a deep understanding of the complex political situation in Iran. The Iran expert presents "Weltspiegel" and headed the ARD studio in Tehran until 2020.

Nicodemus Schnabel is a theologian and author and Director of the Jerusalem Institute of the Görres Society. As the German Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of Dormitio, he lives and works on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. The city is of enormous religious and historical significance for Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. As a Christian clergyman, Schnabel has had to deal with hate crimes in the holy city on several occasions.

Joachim Herrmann is the Bavarian Minister of the Interior and responsible for integration and migration policy. He studied law and is a member of the CSU and the Bavarian state parliament. He has been Bavarian State Minister of the Interior since October 2007 and has also been responsible for integration issues since 2018.

This content has been machine translated.


Bergson Kunstkraftwerk Am Bergson Kunstkraftwerk 2 81245 München

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