In the organizer's words:

by Roland Schimmelpfennig // ages 8 and up

It all starts harmlessly enough. You wake up and the sun is shining. You are a bee and you can fly: out of the nursery and into the summer sky - right into the middle of a red, fat flower. Wonderful. But suddenly it's all gone. Because now comes level 2! You have to make it to school on time. Get dressed alone, have breakfast alone. Just don't wake your parents. You've done it. You're in level 3 - school.
We experience a normal day in the life of a neglected child affected by poverty, who overcomes the challenges of everyday life alone, achieves amazing things and playfully motivates himself.

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JUB – Junges Theater Bremerhaven Columbusstraße 2 27570 Bremerhaven