In the organizer's words:

"The language of the pitch" - the poetry slam for the European Football Championship! Every child who has ever been to a stadium knows that the spoken word and soccer are closely interwoven. The ball has to go into the corner, the marble into the net, the leather into the box, all the self-appointed tactics experts on the sidelines have to put their mustard on the stadium sausage and someone always has to shout - you know it from the stadium, from television, from the radio... In May, we're making things dance and doing it differently: the linguistic images have to shred, the verses have to fly, because there are punchlines on the ears!

With verbal exaggerations, shouted interjections and whispered standard situations, "Die Sprache des Rasens" brings an absolute highlight to all host cities in the run-up to the European Football Championship. Six top-class slam poets will compete for victory in a literary stage competition - in a poetry slam for the European Football Championship! They will be there: Henrik Szántó, Jeremy Chavez, Flori Wintels, Luca Swieter, Marsha Richarz, Evgenija Kosov. We are looking forward to Yannick Steinkellner as moderator!

This event is part of the "Stadium of Dreams" at the German Sport & Olympia Museum from 26.04.-02.06.2024.

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Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum Im Zollhafen 1 50678 Köln

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