PHOTO: © Robert v Duverdo via Unsplash

Die Stadt Köln und die “Bekämpfung der Wohnungslosigkeit” Ein Gespräch

In the organizer's words:

The city of Cologne and the "fight against homelessness"

Ebertplatz @newly built wooden staircase /gallery access

A conversation - by and with Producing Sibylle

The city of Cologne joins the EU plans to eliminate homelessness by 2030. The Cologne City Council votes on a "concept to combat homelessness". At the same time, emergency shelters are being closed, the housing market is tight and there are more and more people living homeless in Cologne.
We will talk to people who are or have been homeless about the current situation, their experiences and their wishes.

The event will be accompanied by text contributions on the topic, read by the Drugland Ensemble, and live music by Krazy @krazysongster
Participants in the discussion are Sabrina Tophofen, author from Krefeld and Markus, city guide and author at Draußenseiter.

You can join the event at any time and/or leave early.

Come along, join the conversation!
The event is free of charge

This content has been machine translated.


Ebertplatz Ebertplatz 50668 Köln

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