Digitale Lebenswelten - was macht das Homeoffice mit Körper und Geist

In the organizer's words:

Digital media is increasingly blurring the old boundaries between the world of work and private life. Since the pandemic at the latest, working from home has become normal and is no longer the exception. Working from home is an opportunity, but it can also become a burden. The simplification of modern communication channels sometimes replaces dialog with digital monologues - corridor radio and café breaks are no longer necessary and with them human contact with colleagues. What do the new work processes do to us mentally and physically and what can we do to counteract the unfavorable consequences? Staying true to ourselves and not bending ourselves requires clarity and focus in order to get through everyday digital life well. Body awareness and mindfulness can help us to overcome this challenge with ease.

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Kulturstation der Kilian Gaertnerstiftung für Gesundheit, Soziales und Kultur Possartstraße 33 81679 München

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