PHOTO: © Hafenbahnhof


In the organizer's words:

The Jazzraum presents at the Hafenbahnhof:

Dirk Dhonau (dr), Lisa Stick (tb), Vincent Drombrowski (sax,fl), Danica Hobden (git), Niklas Werk (git)

Continuum, noun "describing something that hangs together without interruption or gap." (Wikipedia). This definition aptly describes the character of this band: intensive and concentrated interplay, the networking and linking of melodies and rhythms, the creation of soundscapes. The idea for this project goes back to a concert in 2021 when the unusual line-up of two guitars plus drums and two wind instruments took to the stage for the first time and is now being continued in the "Jazzraum" series.

Start: 19:30

The Hafenbahnhof is open from 18:00.

Jazzraum website

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Admission: 15€, reduced: 8€


Hafenbahnhof Große Elbstraße 276 22767 Hamburg

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