In the organizer's words:

Dear sake lovers,

We cordially invite you to an exciting workshop and tasting party to explore the secrets of the traditional alcoholic drink Doburoku together with Japan's Doburoku ambassador Norie Asano and the Munich sake enthusiasts Kai, Jeanne and Kenta.

Doburoku is the most original form of the Japanese national drink sake, which is hardly known in Germany and is currently experiencing a renaissance in Japan. One of the organizations responsible for this renaissance is the "Dobu-Love" association, whose ambassador Norie Asano will be attending our event online from Japan to introduce this great drink.

But what exactly is Doburoku? Like sake, doburoku is made from rice and basically goes through the same production steps, but is unfiltered and naturally cloudy and still has a lot of fermentation residue from the mash. However, the production process is rustic and much simpler than that of sake, which makes Doburoku ideal for homebrewing.

Our workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn how to make doburoku in any kitchen at home. We will go through the brewing process step by step, from choosing kitchen utensils and ingredients to perfect fermentation. The process starts with steaming the rice and adding koji, a special type of Japanese mushroom (Aspergillus oryzae). Koji plays an important role in converting the starch contained in the rice into sugar. Koji production is followed by fermentation, where yeast is added to convert the sugar into alcohol.

After the informative part, we look forward to tasting different types of doburoku with you, which we have imported directly from Japan to Munich for our workshop. Expect an interesting doburoku tasting with matching Japanese snacks in a relaxed atmosphere. The Doburoku comes from the small Konohanano brewery in Tokyo and the Tonoike family brewery in Tochigi, both of which are among the stars of the Japanese sake scene. The limited edition brews can also be purchased and taken home.

The participation fee includes the workshop, Doburoku tasting, snacks and water.

We look forward to welcoming you to this unique workshop in Munich and spending an unforgettable evening together. For questions or further information please contact

Norie, Kai, Jeanne & Kenta

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

The participation fee includes the workshop, doburoku tasting, snacks and water.


KUDO Pündterplatz 2 80803 München

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