PHOTO: © John Arano via unsplash


In the organizer's words:

For old connoisseurs, curious first-timers, wild dance enthusiasts or kicker fans - everyone is welcome to come to our party temple and have a good time with good music and a great atmosphere. Our volunteer members roll out the red carpet for you every Thursday from 9 pm and for just €1 at the entrance you can dance the night away with us.

Please note the following information:

  • Please stay at home if you have cold symptoms. Neither you nor we have anything to gain from a spreader event.
  • Due to the limited number of guests, we ask you to arrive on time and not to be disappointed if you can't make it in at 9 pm. Our policy at the entrance is as follows: "If one person leaves, another person is allowed in", so expect an extended wait.
This content has been machine translated.


Nil StudentInnenkeller Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 Potsdam