PHOTO: © Feierwerk


In the organizer's words:

The idea behind the formation in 2008 was pretty simple: punk rock!
It should be loud, rough and fast. Guitar, bass, drums, just as it should be! That's exactly how it turned out and it's stayed that way to this day! - Uhhh, almost...
The most distinctive part of the DOPING THE VOID sound is now a trumpet! This is where it gets a little complicated: DOPING THE VOID is not a ska band! The four-piece from Pittsburgh (USA) and Munich (Germany) is a punk rock band with a trumpet player who seems to have been beamed straight from the 60s to the DtV microphone.
Crashing guitar riffs, distorted bass, shouting, bourbon and those soulful trumpet melodies make the band an unpredictable trumpet-punk monster.
For 15 years now, the four Weirdos have been convincing audiences with their dedication and passion for their very own style on the stages of Europe and the USA. (Source: Bandinfo)

We are RÖTTEN SHOCK, an anarchist punk band from Munich. With our socially critical lyrics in Spanish, German and English, we deal with various topics on surveillance, gentrification, Catholic institutions, but also the understanding of roles (keyword: gender) in the scene and society. 100% DIY punk against machismo, racism, homo-/transphobia... We are Pako (guitar/vocals), Laura (drums/core choir) and Adrian (new on bass). You can expect fast drum rhythms, energetic guitar riffs and angry vocals from us. (Source: Bandinfo)

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Price information:

B.O.: Admission for a donation


Sunny Red Hansastraße 41 81373 München

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