PHOTO: © Lucie Jansch


In the organizer's words:

Dorian - text by Darryl Pinckney based on motifs by Oscar Wilde - translated from English by Konrad Kuhn - A production of the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus in co-production with the National Kaunas Drama Theater and the Staatsschauspiel Dresden

Robert Wilson is one of the most important theater makers of our time. His works combine elements of dance, performance, architecture, painting, music and acting. At the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus, Robert Wilson created spectacular theater art with "The Sandman" and the most frequently performed and touring production in recent years. Now he is creating "Dorian," a new evening for the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus and a solo for actor Christian Friedel.
The painter Francis Bacon surprises the petty criminal George Dyer when he breaks into his studio. Instead of calling the police, he lets him sit model. The two become a couple. The painter Basil Hallward is obsessed with his model Dorian Gray. Gray wishes the painting would age instead of him. The poet Oscar Wilde is the darling of London society - until he is sent to prison for "indecent relations" with his lover Alfred Douglas.
Director Robert Wilson has provided the impetus for Darryl Pinckney's text "Dorian" and turns the material into an evening about life and art. Three stories, that of the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray," that of the English painting icon Francis Bacon and that of the author Oscar Wilde, more or less fictional and at the same time full of deep truths: The U.S. author Pinckney unites them in an associative narrative flow in which memories of experiences, reflections and feelings overlap.

This content has been machine translated.


Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz 1a 40211 Düsseldorf

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