In the organizer's words:

DRITTEN ORTE DORTMUND invites you to take part in festival activities throughout the city. A special kind of city tour makes it possible to experience everything: The bus takes you from one cultural venue to the next. The tour starts at Taranta Babu in the hospital district and continues to the Raum für Kunst auf Zeit in Aplerbeck. The tour ends with a talk and a closing party at .dott.werk in Düsseldorfer Straße 18.

Dortmund will be one of the host cities for the European Football Championship in 2024. That is why the THIRD PLACES OF DORTMUND have also taken up the common ground between culture and sport as a theme. The THIRD PLACES OF DORTMUND show what hosts have to offer beyond the stadium: Tolerance, diversity and team spirit!

You can also visit all events independently of the THIRD PLACES bus tour. Let the program inspire you - watch, listen, laugh, be amazed, join in!

You can find the entire program here: https://www.dott-netzwerk.de/projekte/dritte-orte-dortmund/dritte-orte-feiern

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

DRITTE-ORTE-KulTour 2 Sun, 26.5.24 - 14:00-21:00 Klinikviertel - Aplerbeck - Kaiserviertel 15,- € / reduced 10,- € All individual events can be attended free of charge.


Taranta Babu Humboldtstraße 44 44137 Dortmund

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