PHOTO: © Foto: Alte Wursterei

Du bist meine Mutter

In the organizer's words:

"YOU ARE MY MOTHER" by Joop Admiraal

Solo play by movingtheatre as part of the "Verwandlungen" festival - 3 solos

In this award-winning solo for two characters, Achim Conrad plays a son who visits his dementia-stricken mother in a nursing home and transforms into her. A timelessly beautiful, comic piece of theater by Joop Admiraal about old age, life, dementia and love. A subtle balancing act between the private and the generally comprehensible, between comedy and melancholy.

"Achim Conrad succeeds in this balancing act with bravura ... he makes it poignantly clear that a person with all his fears and experiences, moods and longings is still here and fighting against decay." (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

The play will be performed aspart of the small but excellentfestival Verwandlungen at the Alte Wursterei, where movingtheatre willpresentthree solos from its repertoire . The festival is being realized in cooperation with disdance project .The audience is upclose and personalin the Alte Wursterei's cozy studio theater .

A flexible pricing model offers tickets for small and large budgets. Sweet and savory treats and refreshing drinks are available before and after the performances. The rustic backyard invites you to linger.

All events of the festival:

You are my mother on 29.06.2024
schlammland gewalt on 31.05. and 01.06.2024
Die Verwandlung on 03.06.2024



Director: Bernd Sass
Actor: Achim Conrad
Production: movingtheatre
Organizer: disdance project gUG in cooperation with movingtheatre

funded by Kuturamt City of Cologne

movingtheatre is a collective based in Cologne .In cooperation with production and theater houses, it develops plays, stages theater texts and accompanying mediation formats.

disdance project has been realizing interdisciplinary projects in the fields of dance, theater and video art in Cologne since 2003 .The Alte Wursterei is the center of its work. For selected projects, disdance project opens the doors of the studio theater of the Alte Wursterei.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

from €11,05

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Alte Wursterei Pettenkoferstraße 4 50823 Köln

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