PHOTO: © NS-Dokumentationszentrum München | Ansicht 2019 | Foto: Connolly Weber

Einzeltäter? Rechtsterrorismus seit 1945 und der gesellschaftliche Umgang damit | Gespräch mit Barbara Manthe und Özlem Sarikaya

PICK OF THE DAY Spoken word
In the organizer's words:

Right-wing terrorist violence has accompanied German history from the end of the Second World War to the present day. For decades, politicians, authorities and the media often reacted to organized right-wing terrorism with helplessness, hesitation or a deliberate avoidance of the topic. For a long time, the focus was primarily on the perpetrators, who were often classified as "lone perpetrators" - with far-reaching consequences for those affected by right-wing terrorist violence. It was only after the National Socialist Underground was uncovered and the recent attacks in Munich, Halle and Hanau that this perception gradually began to change. It is to the credit of survivors and relatives of victims of right-wing violence that the perspectives of those targeted by right-wing terrorists are increasingly being heard.

Barbara Manthe, historian at Bielefeld University specializing in the social history of right-wing extremism after 1945, and journalist and moderator Özlem Sarikaya will discuss the topic.

Participation free of charge. No registration necessary.

This content has been machine translated.


NS-Dokumentationszentrum München Kunstareal - Max-Mannheimer-Platz 80333 München

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