PHOTO: © © Dean Rogers

Emilíana Torrini

In the organizer's words:

EMILIANA TORRINI was inspired by love letters found in an attic to create an album full of big stories and small dramas. On October 5, the musician with Italian-Icelandic roots will present her work "Miss Flower", which will be released in June, at the Liederhalle in Stuttgart.

A large box in the attic. In it: love letters. Dozens of love letters, from men all over the world, written over decades to a woman whose life was as exciting as it was mysterious. EMILIANA TORRINI used this as a starting point to develop "Miss FLower", her first solo album in ten years. What sounds like an absurd fairy tale or the opening to a family novel really happened to Torrini: After the death of the mother of one of her closest friends, they found the box of said love letters in her apartment, neatly sorted into folders. "She had received nine marriage proposals, but never married," says Torrini, "we started reading some of these letters, mostly, but not only, from men. They were pretty obsessed with her, totally smitten." Laughing and howling, they worked their way through the letters, reading in amazement that the mother, Geraldine Flower, after whom the album is named, had a part-time job as a teenager walking a lion cub through London's cemeteries at night. Or that a man wrote to her saying that he thought of her when he mowed the lawn. "It had such a sixties sexiness," says Torrini and laughs, "I asked my girlfriend if I could make a song about it."

She was allowed to. And conveniently, her girlfriend is married to EMILIANA TORRINI'slong-time keyboardist and songwriting partner Simon Byrt. In their small home studio in the garden, with Geraldine's dog at their feet, they let the letter inspire them and develop a song from it. And they never stopped: they pulled more and more letters and stories out of the box and were inspired to create new songs, new narratives, but also new soundscapes and soundscapes. This is how "Miss Flore" was created over two years. "It was supposed to be a pop record, we wanted to do it differently," recalls Torrini. They weave the narratives into each other, one song can be based on dozens of letters from one person. Each song is different in terms of sound and structure. Of course, they refer to very different people and characters: "Sometimes I had the feeling that even my accent was changing." The songs are held together by Emilíana Torrini's unmistakable voice, the focus on electronic elements and a unique mixture of melancholy and humor.

After EMILIANA TORRINI has not released a solo album in the past ten years, "Miss Flower" is the result of a rekindled love of music. Playful and free, experimental and mature, EMILIANA TORRINI dives into a wide variety of worlds, living out great love stories, small dramas and intense lives in the individual tracks. In doing so, she not only builds a monument to the inimitable Geraldine Flower, but also to female self-determination and independence.

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Kultur- & Kongresszentrum Liederhalle Berliner Platz 1-3 70174 Stuttgart


Music Circus Concertbüro
Music Circus Concertbüro Charlottenplatz 17 70173 Stuttgart

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