PHOTO: © Deichtorhallen Hamburg PHOXXI © Henning Rogge

Eröffnung Claudia Andujar – The End Of The World

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Claudia Andujar (*1931) is one of the most important representatives of artistic documentary photography in South America. As part of her activist commitment to the protection and preservation of the Yanomami, Brazil's largest indigenous people, she created her most important series to date, "Marcados" (The Marked Ones), in the 1970s. The portraits are the beginning of a profound examination of the Yanomami culture.

Dirk Luckow (Director of Deichtorhallen Hamburg), Viktor Hois (curator of the exhibition) and Marcos Gallon (Artistic Director of Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo) will speak at the opening. Free admission.

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