PHOTO: © Silke Kaufmann

Es kam aus Übersee | Figurentheater Wolkenschieber

In the organizer's words:

A lighthouse once stood on a small island off the large coast. Mathiessen, the lighthouse keeper, lived there. His life was a little monotonous, but comfortable. And he liked his work, because it was important. One day, however, something washed ashore, a crate with air holes, a crate from overseas and pretty much everything on the small island was about to change, because the bouncer arrived.

About the rapprochement of two very different creatures.

Age recommendation: 4 - 10 years

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Price information:

Children: Advance booking € 7.10 / Ticket office € 8.50 Adults: Advance booking € 8.20 / Ticket office € 9.50


Hamburger Puppentheater Bramfelder Straße 9 22305 Hamburg

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