In the organizer's words:

Fatigateau is the tenth project of the Junior Company Bonn. Since 2013, the ensemble has developed into a "space of opportunity" for adolescents between the ages of 8 and 22. The skills and potential have grown from project to project, but above all the young people have appropriated dance as a way of life in which freedom and self-confidence can be experienced.

The focus of the partnership-based collaboration, which has won several awards and invitations to guest performances, is the artistic aspect, which also creates important freedom beyond pedagogical objectives. The artistic co-responsibility of the ensemble members has been the yardstick of this process from the very beginning and they are now presenting a production on their own responsibility: "What you are about to experience on stage is the result of a process based on our improvisation and creativity, but also on spontaneous ideas and thoughts." That makes you curious!

Choreography in collaboration with the dancers of the Junior Company Bonn: Emilia Lichte, Lola Kornbrust, Maris Pauka, Robin Nima Saffarian
Music: Szymon Wojcik
Costumes: Lilith Chiriac, Fa-Hsuan Chen
Light, Space: Milon Pauka, Jan Wiesbrock
Mentors: Marcus Bomski, Fa-Hsuan Chen, Rainald Endraß, Rafaële Giovanola. Ada Sternberg

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

17,- € / 9,- €, unless otherwise stated. 23,- € is the price of the solidarity ticket, with which you can support us a little more if you wish.


Theater im Ballsaal Frongasse 9 53121 Bonn

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