Finanzierungsrunden – ein Praxisbericht

In the organizer's words:

Financing rounds for start-ups are crucial milestones on the road to success. They enable young companies to raise the capital they need to scale their business, drive innovation and implement long-term strategies. However, the road to successful financing is often rocky and full of challenges.

Meik Baumeister, CEO and founder of Cardisio, an up-and-coming medical technology startup, knows these challenges first-hand. In his personal experience, he will share the ups and downs that come with conducting a financing round. From creating a compelling business plan to convincing potential investors, Meik Baumeister will give an insight into the realities of startup life.

Dr. Saskia Ballon and Daniel Troost specialize in startups and financing rounds at Dr. Ganteführer, Marquardt & Partner and offer a unique insight into the investor's perspective. They will shed light on the criteria that play a role for investors in the selection of startups and highlight which questions and preparations startups should make in the run-up to a financing round. Their expertise is based on a large number of transactions and a deep understanding of what investors are looking for and how startups present themselves optimally.

The panel discussion will not only include informative presentations, but also provide space for an interactive Q&A session. This will allow participants to ask specific questions and gain concrete insights into best practices as well as practical tips from industry experts. From identifying potential investors to negotiating valuations and terms, all aspects of a successful financing round will be covered.

The importance of this discussion cannot be understated, especially given the increasingly competitive and ever-changing nature of the startup ecosystem. The ability to effectively raise capital and form strategic partnerships is critical to the long-term success of a startup. It is therefore all the more important to learn from the experience and insights of established experts and integrate them into your own corporate strategy.

The event promises to be not only an informative and educational experience, but also an opportunity for networking and building valuable relationships in the startup community. The exchange of ideas and experiences between like-minded individuals is an essential part of the innovation process and helps to drive the growth and development of the entire ecosystem.

At a time when the global economy is characterized by disruptive technologies and new business models, supporting startups and innovative entrepreneurs is crucial to maintaining growth and competitiveness. By fostering an environment that facilitates the funding and development of startups, we can lay the foundations for future success and shape a dynamic and thriving economy.

With this in mind, we cordially invite you to join our panel discussion and benefit from the insights and experiences of our experts. Take the opportunity to expand your knowledge, make valuable contacts and take your startup to the next level.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting and informative event!

Daniel Troost, Dr. Ganteführer, Marquardt & Partner mbB
Dr. Saskia Ballon, Dr. Ganteführer, Marquardt & Partner mbB
Meik Baumeister, CEO and Co-Founder Cardisio GmbH
Ella Gemünd, TechHub K.67 - Moderation

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


TechHub.K67 Kasernenstraße 67 40213 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

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