In the organizer's words:

There are countless funding programs for start-ups and it's not easy to find your way through the jungle of deadlines and requirements. We will help you, introduce you to the most important funding programs and give you valuable tips for your funding application.

In order to drive forward their own business idea and product development during the start-up phase, founders often need funding early on. Only very few start-ups are in a position to do this from their own financial resources.

However, funding programs can provide more than "just" financial resources. They not only help with the start of a company, but also in the first few years after its foundation. What are they? We will introduce you to the most important ones and give you valuable tips for your funding application.

In addition to the funding programs, there are also low-cost development loans specifically for founders. And if you want to implement your own start-up project from within the university, you will also find the right program here.

As you can see, there are many options. The challenge is to find the right one for you. Which of the many funding options are suitable for your start-up project? What do you need to consider when applying and how long does it take for the funding to start? As it is not easy for founders to keep track of this, we will present the above-mentioned funding options and explain which funding is suitable for whom.

Speaker: Michael Seher

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


LifeScience Center Düsseldorf Merowingerplatz 1a 40225 Düsseldorf

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