Frau Reichspräsident: Louise Ebert 1873-1955

In the organizer's words:

The photo exhibition "Frau Reichspräsident - Louise Ebert 1873-1955" will be on display at the Friedrich Ebert House from September 16, 2023 to March 10, 2024. The exhibition marks the 150th anniversary of Louise Ebert's birth on December 23, 2023 and is under the patronage of the current First Lady Elke Büdenbender.

The exhibition traces the life of Louise Ebert in around 70 pictures. With the election of her husband Friedrich Ebert as the first German Reich President on February 11, 1919, Louise Ebert became "Frau Reichspräsident". She was the first wife of a democratically elected head of state in Germany and can therefore be described as the first republican first lady. With her reserved demeanor, Louise Ebert established her own style as the wife of a democratic statesman, which was to become influential.

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