In the organizer's words:

At the "Intellectual Property for Startups" event, you will learn why the targeted protection of innovations is crucial for startups in order to not only hold their own against the competition, but also to promote the long-term value of your company.

Overall, intellectual property plays a crucial role in the long-term success of startups as it helps to protect ideas and innovations, create competitive advantages and significantly increase the value of a startup. If a startup has an IP portfolio, this can create trust among investors, potential buyers and partners and increase the valuation of the company.

In order to start building an IP portfolio at an early stage, it is important to have an overview of the different types of IP rights and their costs so that an initial assessment can be made as to whether and which IP right is most suitable. In order to minimize the costs for start-ups, the existing funding opportunities are discussed.

Intellectual property can also be enforced against competitors: we want to show possibilities and give practical tips to identify existing intellectual property rights in order to be able to observe them so that legal disputes can be avoided.

Niels Schuh
Andreas Kabisch

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft Kaiserswerther Straße 183 40474 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

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