PHOTO: © Symbolbild / Unsplash / Rob Laughter

GRENZGANG Reise-Reportge: Feuerberge – Vulkan-Abenteuer in aller Welt mit Heiko Beyer in Köln

In the organizer's words:

Ever since photojournalist Heiko Beyer (re)experienced a volcanic eruption in the middle of an icy glacier, he has had an adventurous passion: the active fire mountains of our planet! Whenever they hurl their lava into the air, he is there - as close as possible! Whether in Iceland, Italy, New Zealand, the South Seas, Indonesia, Ethiopia or the Congo. After eleven years and 18 volcano trips, he presents his unique experiences in a visually stunning and captivating live reportage and talks about animals and people who have learned to live with and from the volcanoes.

Further information and tickets at:

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Cinedom Im Mediapark 1 50670 Köln

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