PHOTO: © Batschkapp


PICK OF THE DAY Concerts & Music
In the organizer's words:

Gringo Mayer enters the stage of the sold-out Capitol in Mannheim. The two hours that followed will probably go down in the "history of caesura concerts by Mannheim stars", as the Mannheimer Morgen was to write the next day. A concert "that you'd better save the ticket for, because in ten years' time, everyone might want to have been there."

What has happened at Gringo since his self-released debut album in 2021 is "nimmi normal" in the truest sense of the word. Not only has the Ludwigshafen native been paid homage to by big names such as Olli Schulz and the Donots or appeared on SWR and Ego FM, he has also played shows at the Maifeld Derby or the GHvC anniversary with the bowling band and supported genuine idols such as Kettcar and Thees Uhlmann. And 2024 will be just as colorful! With lots of concerts, an appearance on Inas Nacht, his second album "Ihr liewe Leit" on September 1st and a grand finale: the Ihr liewe Leit Tour!

With his smug demeanor, somewhere between show star and tragicomedy, and an irresistible hip swing, Gringo will be playing several concerts throughout Germany together with his Kegelband.

Supported by the "Perspektive Pop" program of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

This content has been machine translated.


Batschkapp Frankfurt Gwinnerstraße 5 60388 Frankfurt am Main

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