Hanna Hamburg: Ausstellung ART IN MOTION 》 Vernissage

In the organizer's words:

HANNA HAMBURG Makes music. Paints. Makes.

Hanna, born in 1975, is artistically at home in music and has been devoting herself
2018 increasingly dedicated to the visual arts. She works self-taught and learned the tools of the trade in courses
the tools of the trade in courses with various artists.

Since 2022, she has also been working with vinyl
as another material for her work.

Hanna gets her inspiration from making music. Meditating and spending time in nature.

Her insight: the artistic creation process has many parallels in music, painting and object art.
and object art has many parallels and can cross-fertilize each other.

The exhibition shows the results of her unbridled creativity and creative power and
a live performance with her saxophone quartet WINDSTÄRKE SAX offers a special
special experience.

Contact: Hanna Krieg I hanna.krieg@gmx.de |0163-1616016
Also available in person on site during opening hours by appointment

This content has been machine translated.


ViaCafélier Paul-Dessau-Straße 4 22761 Hamburg

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