In the organizer's words:

Have you founded a HEALTH startup or are you about to do so? Then you almost certainly have a product or an idea that can help many people to become or stay healthy - whether through prevention, detection, treatment or rehabilitation.

But how do you tailor your product so that it makes it onto the list of reimbursable medical devices? What approvals are available for your product? What special challenges await you in the HEALTH sector in general? And who are the right contacts for you and your product?

To answer all these questions and many more, we have invited experts from the health insurance companies. They will give you an overview of the approval process, the different types of approval and the specific requirements for the different areas. In addition, two start-ups who have already made it onto the market will have their say and tell you about their experiences with the approval process.

All of this will help you to be as well prepared as possible for your launch - and save you a lot of (detours). Finally, you will have the opportunity to network with other founders and our experts.

Cooperation partner: DITEC/Life Science Center Düsseldorf

Lars Boermann and Heiner Vogelsang, Die Techniker
Dr. med. Ole Martin, Co-Founder of demanostic
Nicole Klingen, Managing Director of Kluba Medical

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


LifeScience Center Düsseldorf Merowingerplatz 1a 40225 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

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