In the organizer's words:


A lot has changed at the Helene Fischer Comprehensive School:
The media van has Netflix, textbooks are available as podcasts, and bedridden students are livestreamed in. What's more, Fridays are now always free. The shortage of teachers is made up for by YouTube tutorials: the reco- cialization program produces better exam results than ever before - the Kultusmysterium is at a loss.

Although everything is new, some things have of course remained the same. The copier reports a paper jam without an emergency lane, protozoa mate in the blackboard sponge, and chalk dust lies on the "Effi Briest" reading pile. "Frankfurt/Oder" is still a reassuring decision question for the class leader Justin, and the sports teacher remains a dear, dear colleague: Zodiac sign No-Buck, in the ascendant Big Mat Car.

To pick up Mr. Schröder where he stands, his 12a sets him up with an Instagram account. Under the #korrekturensohn2.0, the most important questions are discussed here: When will there finally be video evidence in the classroom? What does Mr. Schröder do at the young teachers' meeting? And does he really sing "Atemlos durch G8" at the end of the lesson?

Look forward to a double hour of detention deluxe at the KENT Club. But don't worry: none of this is relevant to the exam, and if you cooperate well, Mr. Schröder will finish 5 minutes early.

This content has been machine translated.


KENT Club Stresemannstraße 163 22769 Hamburg

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