In the organizer's words:

The landscapes are desolate, the borders in the Pamir are arbitrary. Priska Seisenbacher travels across borders in the high mountains of Central Asia and opens a new chapter in her life when she travels alone for the first time in 2019. Never before has she been so close to life there, no journey has ever been so intense. As a woman, she can move in both worlds. She is particularly close to women, but also takes part in men's groups as a matter of course. She does not seek solitude, but life. She talks about people who cope with everyday life in this harsh region, but also about conflicts and borderline experiences. While the young Manizha in Tajikistan is looking forward to her upcoming studies, most Afghan women have much less room for maneuver: arranged marriages, high child mortality and hard work are part of their everyday lives. Different living environments that are closely intertwined with the culture and history of the region. Priska Seisenbacher tells of the dreams of these people, their addictions, corruption and a week-long ride on horseback. She learns about Ismailism, a Shiite denomination within Islam that has a great influence on the opportunities available to women and men. So it is no coincidence that it is in the barren high mountains that she meets women who study, play public football and have paid jobs. Priska Seisenbacher tells a story full of border crossings, with lasting impressions of life in the largely unknown high mountain world of the Pamir and Karakorum.

This content has been machine translated.


Bahnhof Langendreer Wallbaumweg 108 44894 Bochum

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