In Bewegung – Die Filme von Thomas Arslan – Am Rand / Am Rand Revisited / Im Sommer (Die sichtbare Welt)

In the organizer's words:

Followed by a discussion with Thomas Arslan, moderated by Birgit Kohler
AM RAND Thomas Arslan D 1991 without dialog 24'
Shot along the former Berlin Wall strip in November/December 1990, this short film, which was created in a seminar by Peter Nestler at the DFFB, captures places in transition: long shots taken at the district borders of Neukölln/Treptow, Moabit/Mitte, Wedding/Prenzlauer Berg and Märkisches Viertel/Wilhelmsruh and linked by camera pans show allotment gardens, dead-end streets, excavators, construction workers, a mobile kitchen, but above all wide, undeveloped areas - like an urban fringe that has been left at the edge.
mobile kitchen, but above all wide, undeveloped areas - like a city fringe that runs through the middle of the city.

AM RAND REVISITED Thomas Arslan D 2024 without dialog 20'
In AM RAND REVISITED, Arslan, once again himself at the camera, revisits the areas selected for AM RAND in December 2023, 32 years apart, and shows what has become of the former wasteland. The combination of the two films impressively documents the drastic transformation of the city.

IM SOMMER (DIE SICHTBARE WELT) Thomas Arslan D 1992 OmeU 41' Paul doesn't want to work, has no money and lives for the day.
into the day. His girlfriend works in an archive and paints. On a summer's day, he wanders through Berlin.
Stops include the Europa Center, the Royal Palast cinema and the canal at the Urban hospital, where he meets friends, listens to music and reads. Most of the time he keeps to himself. "There's nothing extraordinary about my life, but the way I think about it transforms it." In his medium-length DFFB graduation film, Thomas Arslan puts quotes in his characters' mouths (like this one by Paul Valéry) and lets them speak in quotes. Scattered references in the picture: Céline, Brinkmann,
Eustache. Formal ambition meets unspectacular everyday life, the effort of doing nothing meets the light of summer.
to the light of summer.

This content has been machine translated.


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