PHOTO: © DHM/Thomas Bruns

In guter Verfassung! – Themenführung in Roads not Taken anlässlich 75 Jahre Grundgesetz

In the organizer's words:

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the entry into force of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, the tour uses four historical caesuras to examine how the basic state order was reflected in the constitutions. Was there a strong parliament? Were fundamental rights part of the constitution? And who was involved in the creation of the constitution?

These questions are discussed at the turning points of the Peaceful Revolution in 1989, the Stalin Notes in 1952, the proclamation of the Republic in 1918 and the Revolution of 1848/49.

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Price information:

free guided tour, plus admission


Deutsches Historisches Museum Hinter dem Gießhaus 3 10117 Berlin

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