PHOTO: © Christina Morillo via Pexels

Insolvenzrecht für Gründer

In the organizer's words:

On average, between 70 and 80 percent of all start-ups do not survive the first three years of their existence. The insolvency and criminal law risks associated with the failure of the company are often simply unknown or are often ignored and underestimated for too long in the belief that one's own project will succeed.

Unnecessarily so, as these risks can be significantly minimized by understanding the essential mechanisms of insolvency law and observing a few key principles of conduct.

The aim of our presentation is to provide you, as a founder in a managerial position, with the knowledge of insolvency law required to carry out your activities responsibly and with a low level of risk for you personally in terms of liability and criminal law.

This includes

  • the central principles of insolvency law
  • the liability risks of management
  • do's and don'ts in a corporate crisis
  • possible instruments for early crisis detection and avoidance
  • sensible course-setting as early as the financing phase
  • Measures and behaviours to minimize personal liability risks

Dr. Jochen Markgraf
Dr. Paul Hertelt

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


Broadway Office Breite Straße 29/31 40213 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

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