Interne (Online-)Konfliktlösungsstrategien

In the organizer's words:

Many companies, especially young ones, fail due to internal conflicts that they do not (or cannot) resolve in time. This workshop on internal (online) conflict resolution is based on the renowned Harvard model of conflict resolution, which is used to resolve disputes in various contexts.

You will become familiar with the principles and techniques of the model and learn how to apply it to conflicts in the digital space. This will enable you to confidently address (online) conflicts and promote positive outcomes for all parties involved.

Aim of the event:

1. improved conflict resolution skills

By learning basic rules for conflict discussions and building a good conflict culture in the (digital) team, participants will be better able to resolve conflicts constructively and thus generate positive energy in the team.

2. more effective teamwork

By using the positive energy from conflicts, teams can work together more effectively and learn from challenges together. This leads to higher productivity and better results.

3. improved ability to manage conflict in digital spaces

In today's working world, digital spaces are unavoidable and conflict in these spaces can be particularly challenging. By learning techniques to manage conflict in digital spaces, participants will be better able to successfully resolve conflicts even when they are not physically in the same room.

Speaker: Jana Piske

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

20,00 €

Organizer | Event Series

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