PHOTO: © anthony delanoix via unsplash

Ja, Panik | DON'T PLAY WITH THE RICH KIDS | Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg

In the organizer's words:

Ja, Panik are back! While their last experimental, exploratory and meandering pop album "Die Gruppe Ja, Panik" (2021) marked their surprising comeback after a seven-year creative break, "Don't play with the rich kids" is now something like their return as a rock band. As the gang from Burgenland who have played their way into everyone's hearts since "The Angst And The Money" (2009). Andreas Spechtl opens the album with a monologue of aimlessly wandering loneliness, in which the demons of the poets we all know dwell: "For a moment, I was lost in the world. Lost in Berlin, lost in Vienna, lost in Mexico City...". But then comes the big bang, the band kicks in and Spechtl states: "Yes, Panik top fit, top sound! Top look!" The band as a radiant "supernova" and the "only Droga!". What an excellent twist! The music immediately beams you back to the indie rock of the 90s, with blur-ish guitars and a keyboard hook that greets you with a party-ready Euro dance vibe! "European Rich Kids" was long an alias that the band Ja, Panik liked to play with. Now it has become "Don't play with the rich kids". Rich Kids worldwide! On the cover photo we see Stefan Pabst, Sebastian Janata, Laura Landergott and Andreas Spechtl gently wrapped in a scarf on the beach of nowhere. It holds the band together on the inside and at the same time marks a clear boundary on the outside: "We are here, and you are there!" And it seems almost impossible to get into this inner circle. There could hardly be a more elegant way to present the problem of classism that is rampant worldwide!

Support: Farce

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Price information:

Box office 30 €

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Karlstorbahnhof Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 3 69126 Heidelberg

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