PHOTO: © Oliver Haas

Jens Neutag - Gegensätze ziehen sich aus

In the organizer's words:

Cabaret above the belt

The world has changed. Supposed certainties of the past are no longer valid today. This also applies to the insight that "opposites attract". If the phrase ever applied at all, then we have now completely lost the ability to engage with opposites. And so we hunker down in the trench of our own infallibility and retreat into the spoon position of our own world view.

And this is where cabaret artist Jens Neutag comes in and fights for 90 minutes in the name of reason. He explains to the old white man that woke is not an Asian stir-fry and to the young urban bohemian that the protection of minorities automatically ends where the majority is against it. For a world with more knowledge than opinion, because people often have an astonishing amount of opinion, but frighteningly little knowledge.

Venue of the event

The Capitol in Bremerhaven is a popular venue for political cabaret. Well-known names from the satire and cabaret scene regularly perform here. But the Capitol doesn't just see itself as a stage, it wants to offer more than just a show.

The "Arbeitnehmerkammer kulturell" has been organizing a varied theater programme in Bremerhaven since 1988 and thus makes an important contribution to a colourful and sustainable urban development. Since 1993, the Capitol has played an important role as a forum for artistic, political, intercultural and interpersonal exchange. In short: Capitol is a place for everyone! The diversity of people and lifestyles that come together here is also reflected in the program of events. Every year from January to May and from September to December, a wide variety of artists, satirists and comedians take to the stage to present their world view to the audience in a humorous or serious, but always intelligent and entertaining way. The "SATIRICA", a festival that has long enjoyed great popularity among satire fans, also takes place in November.

The Capitol thrives on the creative spirit of the artists and people who come and go here. Come along and be inspired!

Capitol Bremerhaven

Hafenstr. 156

27576 Bremerhaven
This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Reduced with KammerCard: € 2.00


Capitol Hafenstraße 156 27576 Bremerhaven

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