PHOTO: © Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss / Giuliani von Giese

Kein Raum statt Freiraum – Wohnungslosigkeit in Berlin

In the organizer's words:

What is it like as a woman* to have no home? What developments are leading to more and more Berliners being threatened with homelessness? And what can help against displacement?

Poverty and homelessness are omnipresent in Berlin and yet the people affected are often overlooked and marginalized. At the same time, rising rents and housing shortages are affecting more and more Berliners.

Susanne, a native Berliner and city guide at querstadtein e.V., is one of the participants in the open space "Mitten unter uns. Homeless women* in Berlin". In this guided tour through BERLIN GLOBAL, she gives an insight into these topics.

The tandem tour is an accompanying event of the open space project "Mitten unter uns. Homeless women* in Berlin".

  • Speaker: Susanne
  • Moderator: Dominika Szyszko

Further information:

- Language: German

- Price: Free of charge as part of the Museum Sunday

- Berlin Exhibition BERLIN GLOBAL, 1st floor

This content has been machine translated.


Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin

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