Kein Wort

In the organizer's words:


  • Thu, July 4, 2024 - Wed, July 10, 2024 at 9:00 p.m.
  • Thu, July 11, 2024 - Wed, July 17, 2024 at 7:15 pm

Performers: Maren Eggert, Jona Levin Nicolai, Maryam Zaree...

  • DE/FR/SI 2023
  • 87 min
  • Director: Hanna Slak
  • FSK: from 12 years

"As haunting as it is hopeful: Mahler's Fifth Symphony musically reflects the central mother-son relationship." Cineuropa

When Nina learns that her teenage son Lars has been injured in a school accident, she is faced with a dilemma: as a conductor, can she leave rehearsals with her orchestra behind to be there for him? Feeling remorseful, she travels with Lars to the island in the west of France where they normally spend their summer vacation. But in winter, the island is windy, dark and cold, and in the small house on the beach, mother and son are directly confronted with each other. Thoughts of music haunt Nina, and the calls from the mainland worry her. Is she sabotaging the career she has fought so hard for? Meanwhile, Lars withdraws further every day, misunderstandings accumulate, conjectures become suspicions: Did Lars witness a gruesome crime at school?

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sweetSixteen Kino Dortmund Immermannstraße 29 44147 Dortmund

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