PHOTO: © umBAUbar

Kneipenquiz // Popkultur

PICK OF THE DAY Shows & Performances
In the organizer's words:

Next round of pub quizzes: the pop culture edition! From music, film and television, trends and celebrity gossip, there's something for everyone. Those who know their way around here can win big. 💿🎶🎬
As always, the teams can win schnapps and the best-placed teams can look forward to great prizes.
Register via Instagram DM (@umbaubar) with the number of players and your team name.

We look forward to seeing you!

*Team size 3-6 people, entry fee 10€, registration only valid with confirmation.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

10€ in cash as participation fee


umBAUbar Stau 25-27 26122 Oldenburg

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