In the organizer's words:

The family festival in Cologne's Südstadt district has already become a small tradition.

"A stage for the literary world!" was the headline of the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper in 2023.

At the Altes Pfandhaus, we are once again inviting you to browse and discover.

We will be showcasing the diversity and commitment of independent bookshops in Cologne and, of course, the breadth of their book ranges. Publishers will also be presenting excerpts from their programs and two artists will be showing their objects made of paper, words and paint.

The beautiful concert hall offers space for the supporting program with readings from novels, children's books, non-fiction and crime fiction.

Come and visit us!

The forum independent team

The program

  • Literary bookshops from Cologne and publishers will be presenting exciting excerpts from their ranges and programs
  • Ursula Traschütz, book art
  • The art salon introduces itself

Readings at the 5th Cologne Book Festival

  • 11:30 a.m.: Andreas Izquierdo: No good man
    novel, DuMont
  • 1 p.m.: Mathias Berg: Die Kriminalistinnen - Eight shots in the snow
    Crime novel, Emons
  • 2:30 p.m.: Will Gmehling: Molly Blume,
    For children aged 8 and over, Peter Hammer Verlag
  • 3:30 pm: Daniel Mullis, The Rise of the Right in Times of Crisis Non-fiction, Reclam
  • 4:30 p.m.: Jana Volkmann, The best day in a long time
    Residenz Verlag

The bookshops

Goltsteinstrasse bookshop
The other bookshop, Ubierring
Bookshop Baudach
Bittner Bookshop
Agnes Bookshop
Bookstore Kaiser
Bookstore Blücherstraße
Bookstore Falderstraße
Forough Book
Bookstore Manulit
Bookstore Maternus
Klinski. Bookstore in Braunsfeld
Kupido Depot Bookstore

Ursula Traschütz, book art
Art Salon

The publishers

Böhlau publishing house
Dittrich Publishing House
Peter Hammer Publishers
Rimbaud Publishing House

and the forum independent publishers: Delius Klasing, Dietz, Droste, Greven, Grupello, Haupt, humboldt, Klartext, maudrich, Meyer & Meyer, pmv, Reclam, Reinhardt, Reise Know-How, Residenz

Refreshments will be provided on site by the in-house café.
You will find the booksellers and publishers in the exhibition hall and the readings will take place in the adjacent concert hall.

This content has been machine translated.


Altes Pfandhaus Kartäuserwall 20 50678 Köln

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