Kostenfreie Lesung im Treffany Teehaus

In the organizer's words:

The twins Annette and Michaela have turned 50. That's great! Because 50 is not the beginning of the end, it's what you make of it!

With a lot of humor and irony, they look back on the highs and lows of 50 years as twins: they have traveled the world with their backpacks, lived abroad for a long time, loved and sometimes suffered, pursued and given up steep careers, tried their hand as twin models, founded and dissolved two start-ups and brought four children (so far) to teenage age. And now? You're starting some self-experiments to recapture the magic of the first half of life. From now on you are old? Hard shoulder from 50? No way! Buckle up and get back in the fast lane...

Annette reads from the rough draft of her book "50/50 - Our Twin Adventures", which she is currently working on with great enthusiasm. We will listen to her ideas together and then look forward to a lively discussion on the topic of "Finally 50 - what are you going to do with it?".

As places are limited, we ask you to register in advance. You will receive further information after registering at winterhude@generation-nachbarschaft.de or by phone: 040 430 98 98 0.

This content has been machine translated.


Treffany Teehaus Alsterdorfer Straße 15 22299 Hamburg

Organizer | Event Series

Generation Nachbarschaft: Nachbarschaftsevents für Jung und Alt in Hamburg
Generation Nachbarschaft: Nachbarschaftsevents für Jung und Alt in Hamburg Köln

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