In the organizer's words:


+ iLan katin (Live Visuals)
+ Special Guests

KRAUTFUZZ is the new, improvisational and genre-defying fuzzkraut band that has existed for just over a year after Imari Kokubo (drums), Dirk Dresselhaus (guitar, vocals) and Derek Shirley (bass) had been planning to join forces individually for some time, to no avail. As each of them deals with an extended spectrum of music (Vladislav Delay Quartet, the ANGEL, Schneider TM, faust, Piratezombiedog, Monno, The Still, Hi-Speed Dubbing etc.), the premise is to reduce stylistic concepts to the essentials by playing loud, time-spanning music without a safety net and paying special attention to communication with each other and the individual subconscious.

krautfuzz is characterized by an angular, futuristic tension that ranges from fuzzy neo-psych rock to abstract, heavily processed minimalism, and is open to the edges.

"Does something really begin or end? What is time? A period of time. What does that mean? The moment is a forward movement." (Ilse Redeka)

Their first release, MWM Rough #1 - krautfuzz, was recorded as the first track of their second session together and released on MirrorWorldMusic on September 1, 2023.

The very first concert they played in Berlin in fall 2023 was sold out and consisted of 2 live sets; the first set they played as a trio and for the second set they invited surprise guest Murat Ertel (from Baba Zula), which inspired the general approach for future live shows:

First set as a trio, after a short break a second performance with surprise guests.


KRAUTFUZZ is the new, improvisational, and genre-defining fuzzkraut band that exists a little over a year after Imari Kokubo (drums), Dirk Dresselhaus (guitar, voice), and Derek Shirley (bass) had unavailingly planned to hook up with each other individually for a couple of years. As each of them is involved in an extended variety of music (Vladislav Delay Quartet, die ANGEL, Schneider TM, faust, Piratezombiedog, Monno, The Still, Hi-Speed Dubbing, etc.), the premise is to boil down stylistic concepts to their essence by playing loud, time-transcending music without a safety net and giving some extra attention to communication in-between each other as well as to the individual subconsciousness.
krautfuzz is embossed by an angular-futuristic tension, spanning from fuzzed-out neo-psych-rock to abstract, heavily processed minimalism, and is open at the fringes.

"Does anything really begin or end? What is time? A period of time. What does that mean? Re-create and re-visit, but time always moves forward. Never stopping. Always changing. Sound goes and goes and goes. This moment is a forward motion." (Ilse Redeka) Their first release, MWM rough #1 - krautfuzz was recorded as the first piece of the second session they've played together and was released on September 1, 2023, on MirrorWorldMusic.

The first ever concert they played in Berlin in autumn 2023 was sold out and consisted of 2 live sets; the 1st set they played as a trio, and for the 2nd set they invited surprise guest Murat Ertel (of Baba Zula), which inspired the general modus operandi for live shows in the future:

First set as a trio, and after a short break, a second set with surprise guests.

This content has been machine translated.


Urban Spree Revaler Str. 99 10245 Berlin

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