In the organizer's words:

Kulturschock - THE show for talents and untalents!

For 30 years, over 750 unique shows and all completely voluntary - the Kulturschock is in its kind with no other Cologne institution to compare. The craziest ensemble on this side and the other side of the Rhine prepares the way for young talents and untalented people to the big stages of this world with a good portion of self-irony. The "Schockletts" throw any understanding of culture over the edge. Many a later celebrity has strayed onto our stage, such as Supertalent 2014 Marcella Rockefeller, Sia Korthaus, Martin Reinl, Stefan Masur, Fußpflege Deluxe, Angela Krüll, Alexandra Gauger, Meltem Kaptan and many more.

To this day, Kulturschock has retained its talent for improvisation as well as any form of chaos and outshines any form of profession with a lot of energy and all kinds of incompetence.

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Price information:

from €13.16


Atelier Theater Roonstraße 78 50674 Köln