PHOTO: © Kulturraum 405 e.V.

Lebenskunde Workshop-Festival -Persönlichkeitsstärkung und Genuss-

In the organizer's words:

Life skills workshop festival
-Personality strengthening and enjoyment-

Saturday, 02.03.24

Dear friends of personality-oriented living,
On March 2nd, the whole day (from 12pm to 7pm) will be about strengthening self-knowledge, self-confidence, self-kindness and enjoyment of life. People can attend voluntary mini-workshops on these topics, take part, just listen or treat themselves to some time out, exchange and enjoyment.

What there is on this day:

- a buffet to bring along
- a meeting, time-out and exchange corner.
- a Snoozle room for rest, retreat and chilling out.
- a mini Ecstatic Dance

...and a mini-workshop line-up with formats that partly run in parallel:

Mini-Workshop Timetable:

Bring your own buffet

12:45- 13:45:
Recognize your own values (Chris)
Curriculum vitae (Nico)

Self-protection and expressing needs (Chris)
Conscious Connection (Nico and Philipp)

15:00 - 15:30:

15:30- 16:30:
Experiencing the stage (Chris)
Impro Theater (Philipp)

16:45 - 17:30:

From 17:30 - 19:00:
Mini Ecstatic Dance (Philipp)

Workshop descriptions and more information at :

Please register, as we have a limited number of 40 participants! First come, first serve. 🎁
Please cancel in case of non-participation so that others can move up!

Registration with Chris via the Telegram and WA groups or by mail to

(With your name and if you like your cell phone number - then you will be added to the WA group for that day)

We look forward to seeing you.❤️

Chris, Philipp & Nico

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

The Kulturraum is financed by donations and asks for a donation of €3 or more per event. Please register, as we have a limited number of 40 participants! First come, first serve. 🎁 Please cancel in case of non-participation so that others can move up! Registration with Chris via the Telegram and WA groups or by email to


Kulturraum 405 e.V. Venloer Straße 405 50825 Köln

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