Lebenszeugnisse: Gewalt gegen Juden im Scheunenviertel

In the organizer's words:

Book presentation, conversation

Wolfgang Benz in conversation with Karsten Krampitz
After the First World War, the legendary Scheunenviertel district in the center of Berlin was the scene of anti-Semitic violence in November 1923, a year of crisis for poor Jews from Eastern Europe. In Grenadierstraße, a mob raged against Jews, looting and using violence. The pogrom was soon forgotten and suppressed, but it was a prelude to the persecution of the "Third Reich". Karsten Krampitz has researched the background and reports on it in an interview with historian Wolfgang Benz.
This content has been machine translated.


Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus Chausseestraße 125 10115 Berlin

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