In the organizer's words:

ATTENTION: takes place on Heinrich-Budde-Platz, not in the Budde-Haus!

Reading from the bookcase - interactive open-air reading project

Since mid-2018, there has been a swap bookcase on the grounds of the Budde-Haus. Every day, books that are no longer used are put in and taken out again by others. The reading circle is constant, the readership diverse.

Now we are taking a mobile bookcase "on tour" through our district. On four Tuesdays in summer, at four different public places in Gohlis.
The special thing about it: at the "readings from the bookcase", the audience decides what is read! Whether it's a cookbook, crime novel or art history. It will be exciting. And entertaining! We look forward to seeing you.

This time, Armin Zarbock (actor) will be reading on Heinrich-Budde-Platz (between H.-Budde-/W.-Plesse-/A.-Menzel- and Corinthstraße)
Musical accompaniment: The Tooth Pickers

Free participation!

Sponsor: The project is funded by the Stadtbezirksbudgest of the City of Leipzig.

This content has been machine translated.


Budde-Haus Lützowstraße 19 04157 Leipzig

Organizer | Miscellaneous

Budde-Haus Lützowstraße 19 04157 Leipzig

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