Lesung und Diskussion: KAPITALISMUS AM LIMIT

In the organizer's words:

CAPITALISM AT THE LIMIT with Uli Brand from Vienna

The Allerweltshaus is a place where the "climate movement" and the development of the multiple crises of recent years have been accompanied by discussion and action.

In 2018, we hosted Uli Brand, the author (together with Markus Wissen) of the book "Imperiale Lebensweise", for a book launch at a very well-attended event. This book set an example in understanding the current social situation and became a bestseller.

Uli Brand, Professor of Political Science at the University of Vienna and long-time activist in the German internationalism movement, has now followed up together with Markus Wissen and published the book "Kapitalismus am Limit" in April 2024.

The book takes a detailed look at how the climate crisis is being dealt with by the ruling institutions and takes stock of the development of the movement, which aims to counter the exploitation of "people and nature".

The critical diagnosis describes the entanglement of social and ecological crises and the increasing authoritarian tendencies as a consequence. Is "green capitalism" an alternative? What would this entail? Where are the starting points for a fairer, better way of doing business and living?

Many fundamental questions - which we want to address based on the experiences of recent years.

At the event, the book will be presented, input will be given on some aspects and there will be plenty of room for discussion.

We look forward to seeing you and hope that there will be just as much interest as in 2018.

This content has been machine translated.


Allerweltshaus Köln Geisselstraße 3-5 50823 Köln

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