PHOTO: © © Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum Berlin

Lesung von Jutta Hoffritz

In the organizer's words:

Dance of death
1923 and its consequences

"As far as the economy is concerned, 60 million have arrived from you. I have also laid out 34 million for the Lichtrechnung and 6 million for Vorwärts. The receipts are with the letters. Then to Mrs. Fechter 4 million and to the economy first 50 then 20 million, together 114 million. You have to subtract what I ate here from the total.
Now farewell and greetings, I enjoyed my time here with you.
Your mother."
Käthe Kollwitz to her son Hans, September 1923

The Hamburg journalist Jutta Hoffritz reads from her book about the year of inflation 1923 and repeatedly refers to Käthe Kollwitz alongside other well-known figures from contemporary history. Her poster "Germany's children are starving", created for the Workers' Welfare Association at the end of the year, is a symbol of the developments in 1923. The publication was prompted by a "calendar sheet" written by the author for Deutschlandfunk radio about the inflation winner Hugo Stinnes.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Admission € 5.00 / reduced € 3.00

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum Berlin Spandauer Damm 10 14059 Berlin

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