In the organizer's words:

German by Katharina Pütter

50-year-old successful advertising manager Linda Wilde struggles with the challenges of getting older in an industry dominated by youth and beauty. At the same time, she tries to be a good mother to her two daughters. Daughter Alice worries Linda: for ten years she has not recovered from a bullying incident and now, at 25, she has moved back in with her mother, wears a skunk romper suit all day and has lost all joy in life. Her younger sister Bridget, on the other hand, longs for her mother's attention and support. She wants to become an actress and urgently needs help choosing her audition role. But apart from her own problems, Linda is unable to do her daughters justice: At work she is replaced by new colleague Amy, young, ambitious and career-hungry, and at home she is suddenly faced with Stevie, her midlife-crisis husband's affair. Robbed of all security, Linda has to put her values and priorities to the test and ask herself what is really important to her personally. Meanwhile, Alice and Bridget each seek and find their own path, which helps them in their emancipation process.

With sensitivity and biting humor, Penelope Skinner looks at the challenges women face in today's world and shows how differently they deal with the aspects of femininity and success.

This content has been machine translated.


Hans Otto Theater Schiffbauergasse 11 14467 Potsdam

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