Luksan Wunder: WTFM 100,Null | COLOGNE COMEDY FESTIVAL 2023

In the organizer's words:


If you've been on the Internet lately, you probably haven't missed Luksan Wunder: The comedy and satire collective has been up to its whimsical mischief primarily on the Net, but also in all other media, where it parodies everything that's out of its mind: Their video series "Correct Pronunciation," "Literal Videos," "Bad Lip Reading Videos," "Tutorials and Lifehacks" and the "Most Unsatisfying Video Ever Made" have long been viral hits.

The live show "WTFM 100,Null" works just like the videos: Gags and formats are fired at an astoundingly high rate, and sometimes crude, sometimes subtle, sometimes strange - sometimes music, sometimes video, sometimes sketch. The allusive humor swims in the stormy Bermuda triangle of postmodernism, puberty and parody. Thematically, the whole thing meanders from pseudo-philosophical under-the-shower thoughts to viral phenomena and net culture to improper observations of society and everyday life.

The entire show is like reaching into a surprise bag: you never know what you're going to get next, praline or gonorrhea. A humorous all-around punch, executed with precision boxing gloves made of vanilla pudding and a fine smile on the face.

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COMEDIA Theater Vondelstraße 4-8 50677 Köln

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