PHOTO: © NS-Dokumentationszentrum München | Ansicht 2019 | Foto: Connolly Weber


In the organizer's words:

From July 12 to October 6, 2024, the NS Documentation Center Munich will be showing the art intervention MADE IN GERMANY by Naneci Yurdagül in the foyer and on Max-Mannheimer-Platz. At the opening on July 11, 2024, curator Karolina Kühn will introduce the art intervention and the work of Naneci Yurdagül and the artist himself will open the installation Dunkel Deutschland.

With two installations, Yurdagül poses fundamental questions about the coexistence of people in our society: In the interior, the delicate, radiant neon lettering Untitled - a mentsh is a mentsh (2020) proclaims the unconditionality and inviolability of the dignity of every human being. As an intervention on Max-Mannheimer-Platz, the installation Dunkel Deutschland (2024) refers to the complex history of German national symbols and reflects the current threat to social cohesion in democracy. The two works are complemented by the image motif of the art intervention Gesicht Zeigen (2024), which seemingly raises questions about visibility and participation.

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NS-Dokumentationszentrum München Kunstareal - Max-Mannheimer-Platz 80333 München

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NS-Dokumentationszentrum München München

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