PHOTO: © Marian Kleebaum

Marian Kleebaum

In the organizer's words:

Marian Kleebaum is a piano-based singer-songwriter with Hungarian roots from the Rhine-Main region.
The artist, who grew up in Freiburg and is a classically trained pianist, was already composing his own pieces on the piano at the age of 12. He has been touring Germany as a solo artist since 2015.
His experimental jazz-pop-classical soundscapes reflect the entire spectrum of life: sometimes in German, sometimes in Hungarian, sometimes purely instrumental. But regardless of whether it is socially critical songs, feel-good songs or classical piano pieces - Marian Kleebaum always expresses in his music exactly what touches and occupies him at the time. Unconventional. Direct. Authentic.

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Price information:

6.00 reduced 12.00 regular


Zimmer 16 Florastraße 16 13187 Berlin

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