In the organizer's words:
Of waves, particles and the fear of the dark
Theater for children from 3 to 10 years + adults

What is a light wave? Why is the sky blue? Can we run away from our shadow? Light is a bit like magic - it makes things disappear and appear, drives away bad dreams and is faster than anything else. The mystery and beauty of light affect us every day. It is only because there is light that we can see anything at all. But what do you have to do to see light for yourself? The theater is an ideal place to find out, because light is a crucial player in theater. That's why we want to use the stage to investigate light itself and use it to playfully take a closer look at what fascinates science and art about light. We invite you to the research theater to explore this mysterious something called light.

Director: Hannah Kowalski | Consultant: Tine Krieg | Play: Hannah Kowalski & Guy Marsan | Lighting: Hans Leser & Nicolas Wolf | Music: Tobias Kleine & Milena Pohl | Space: Hanno Krieg & Marie Roth

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

8 € child 10 € adult 7 € group


FUNDUS THEATER Sievekingdamm 3 20535 Hamburg

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